The TCNLab is always looking for enthusiastic individuals to work with us!
We want every member of the lab to be in an environment where they feel empowered to do great science, develop a broad range of skills, feel comfortable taking risks, and use their experience to help figure out what their next step on the path should be. Teamwork is really important for our scientific goals, and our group is highly collaborative, both within and outside the lab.
We strive to create a lab environment where diverse backgrounds and experiences are valued and included. We actively work to recruit and support people from groups that have historically been underrepresented in the sciences. We recognise the barriers to access these groups face in research spaces because of systemic biases and despite meritorious qualification. We also recognise that diverse teams facilitate scientific discovery and innovation: different perspectives lead not just to different approaches, but also to different questions . Diverse teams are also more fun and interesting!
Please click on one of the following options below to see how you can get involved in the lab!