Several lab members attended and participated at the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society annual meeting in Niagara Falls, Ontario held June 25-30th. These included TCNLab post-docs Olamide Adebiyi, Paul Sheppard, Meira Machado; graduate student, Oren Princz-Lebel; MouseTRAP research associate and collaborator, Miguel Skirzewski, as well as co-PIs Tim Bussey and Lisa Saksida.
Niagara Falls! Opening Ceremony with (from left to right): Ahmed Hashad (Inoue Lab post-doc), Miguel Skirzewski, Oren Princz-Lebel, Paul Sheppard, & Meira MachadoMiguel Skirzewski showing his true colours! Olamide Adebiyi accepting her IBNS Travel Award! Way to go!!Well done Olamide!Oren, Meira & Olamide (left to right) all presented posters! Oren Princz-Lebel’s poster was on “In vivo striatal dopamine dynamics across the striatum guide stimulus-response learning in mice.”Meira Machado not only loves chocolate, but also presented a poster titled “Prefrontal parvalbumin-expressing neurons facilitate working memory maintenance and protect against interference.”Olamide Adebiyi and her beautiful poster on “Chemogeneti activation of hippocampal CaMKII-expressing neurons accelerates remyelination & improves cognition in lysolecithin model of multiple sclerosis.”Symposium on “Dopaminergic contriutions to complex behaviour”chaired by Meira Machado (3rd from right) . Spot TCNLab co-PIs Lisa Saksida and Tim Bussey book ending the group. This session was fantastic and well attended. Miguel Skirzewski giving his talk on “Cholinergic interneurons co-releasing acetylcholine & glutamate” during the “Dopaminergic contributions…” Symposium session.Paul Sheppard working double time as Astrocyte & Cognition symposium session chair and final speaker with his talk on “Dentate gyrus astrocytes modulate spatial pattern separation.”IBNS is also a time for rest and relaxation. Here Paul is demonstrating his lateral thinking skills while finding comfort.Time to unwind with an adrenaline ride (go-carts!). From left to right: Miguel, Olamide, Meira, Ahmed, & Oren.Closing ceremony featuring BAM! (Who’s that drummer? Tim Bussey!)
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